Thursday, April 9, 2009

Copy, Paste & Bang!

On the drive to work this morning I was listening to a guest speaker on the Kevin & Bean show (106.7 KROQ). His name is Beaver Phillips (perhaps a long-lost member of Wilson Phillips?), and he was talking about this book he wrote Copy, Paste & Bang!: A Guide to Meeting Women on the Internet and Having Sex With Them. Basically it is a guide for men on how to score with chicks via internet dating sites. Imagine my horror (or delight) when he relayed that he has the highest rate of success (success = sleeping with someone) on*! He claims to have lost count of how many women he's slept with via Match (gross) and that his fool-proof method can help even the most clueless of men get layed (fabulous). How much you want to bet this guy has an autographed copy of Tucker Max's I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell inside his condom drawer?

Being the rational over-thinker that I am, I weighed my reactions to this information. Sure, he's a jerk and I was initially offended - but I'm no idiot. Internet dating is a gamble, and you'd be a fool to think the majority of people on these dating sites are a stand-up gentlemen interested in meeting your folks and learning your deepest, darkest secrets. Once in a while you'll hear stories about people who met their soul-mate on the internet, but it's the rare exception.

Lil Miss Match is going to read this and use it to her advantage! Knowing the game plan will give me the power to thwart attempts to get into my pants at first correspondence** (apparently he has an email template he recommends using). Looking back, I can see that my biggest let-down, Dr. Feel Bad ,was preening me: fancy dinner- check, acting confident - check, alluding to a future with me - check, noting what I find humorous and using that to make me laugh - check, and he succeeded!

*Alas, eHarmony freaks me out - I feel like I might end up pregnant and barefoot in a Modesto trailor park if I go that route. JDate might be a possibility - I do heart the Jews.

**Unless, of course, that is the kind of relationship I feel like having with said person!

Here is the book description from
"Congratulations! You are in the right place and one step closer to getting laid. Not long ago, I was most likely a lot like you, an average guy heading out to bars in a sometimes successful but often disappointing quest to get laid. That ends today! Copy, Paste & Bang! was written for one simple reason: to help regular guys meet women utilizing the Internet and to get you laid. That's it! The information in this book will do wonders for any guy regardless of age, looks or income. The contents clearly outline what it takes for the Average Joe to meet women on the Internet and have sex with them in person. These techniques will all but eliminate rejection. When you compare traditional dating to Internet dating, well, there is no comparison. Why limit yourself to the women that happen to be in the bar or club that night when there are thousands in your area? Many books about "Dating" tell you how to meet chicks in bars, how to introduce yourself, get a phone number, and set up a date night in order to establish some kind of relationship. Guys, picking up a woman that you know nothing about is hard. Rejection is inevitable and that gets really old really fast. Enter a club or bar and chances are there will be women in there. No matter how good you might become at "picking up chicks" in bars ultimately what do you know about who you are picking up? Nothing! Going out to bars should be reserved for hanging out with friends, grabbing some drinks, and watching the game. Forget about subjecting yourself to rejection from average chicks and bar flies. Life is too short and can be a lot more fun! Through the effective techniques outlined in this book you will find out everything you need to know about a chick before meeting her. Before you waste another night randomly wondering from bar to bar, know who you are meeting and more importantly why! Getting laid on a regular basis was never so easy. Copy, Paste & Bang! is worth the price of admission....."


  1. This is great info! Thank you so much for warning me about guys like this Beaver Phillips. He must be a real creep.


    Beaver PS You bet your fanny that I owne "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" but it's not autographed. :(

  2. I read the book as well and although it does talk to you specifically about how to meet chicks to bang them it also does help just meet woman for those of us out here that might not understand it fully...


  3. I've read Beaver's book Copy Paste & Bang and I found a TON of great information. After sharing it with my roommates and they reading it also, we all feel Mr. Phillips has hit the nail right on the head when it comes time to meeting people and forming friendships, relationships, and sexual encounters...

    We also have listened to a few of Mr. Phillips' interviews and although at times he comes off as a man-ho, he really just wants his readers to have success with meeting people via the internet vs. the traditional way he calls the "bar-scene".

    I strongly recommend that if anyone has any interest in dating, they too need to read his book as the principles/lessons learned are absolutely priceless!!!


    B. Bennett

    p.s. to get this book (which I wholeheartedly believe should be a manual/guide for ALL single people) go to

  4. I heard part of an interview with Beaver Phillips as guest speaker on a local station as well. I think this whole thing back fired on me. I was in contact with a seemingly great guy, just by email ( the getting to know you , period) we were emailing each other 3 or 4 times a day , sharing some need to know information etc, flirting, teasing, almost at the stage of meeting. Well i guess i put my foot in my mouth when i teasingly mentioned Beaver Phillips and asked if he was using his techniques. He responded with , never heard of him or his book, but will look it up for future reference. and i have not heard from him since, he has ignored all my emails. Go figure

  5. It is a fact that each individual man has different qualities. Do you not agree that a man might have other qualities that you would like far more than an ability to create "authentic" messages?

    Mark hit it dead on, but I'm sure you won't listen. I'm sure you will continue to shoot yourself in the foot and date the real creeps, then wonder why they are creeps when they turn out of be.
