The events leading up to my very first Match date unfolded rather strangely, perhaps I should have taken that as a sign of things to come. When "The Doctor" asked me to go out for sushi with two hours notice on a Saturday afternoon, I jumped at the chance (desperate much?). His profile pics showed a funny man with dashing good looks and the higher intelligence factor so obviously lacking in all those damned Winkers I'd been ignoring.
We met at an upscale sushi joint for a 5:30 dinner (geriatric eating time!) and proceeded to have great conversation (which in retrospect focused primarily on him) and laughs over bottles of Kirin and Sake. He ordered items not on the menu and seemed to know the wait-staff. I was impressed. By our third plate of sushi though, the red flags started flapping. He kept referring to his family members as "mom" and "sis" ala Trey McDougall from Sex In The City. At one point he said "Mom would love you, you're just great" to which I smiled nervously.
We met at an upscale sushi joint for a 5:30 dinner (geriatric eating time!) and proceeded to have great conversation (which in retrospect focused primarily on him) and laughs over bottles of Kirin and Sake. He ordered items not on the menu and seemed to know the wait-staff. I was impressed. By our third plate of sushi though, the red flags started flapping. He kept referring to his family members as "mom" and "sis" ala Trey McDougall from Sex In The City. At one point he said "Mom would love you, you're just great" to which I smiled nervously.
Red flags that he's a nice guy.